Maria Zourari:

“I was born in Athens, studied Linguistics in the National and Kapodistrian Universtity of Athens and did my MA in Computational Linguistics. I am a graduate of the School of Storytelling in the Center for Study and Dissemination of Myths & Folktales (Athens), and a graduate of the International School of Storytelling in Emerson College. 

In Greece I have worked as a scientific collaborator in a research Institute but soon enough realised that it was not my call, as I wanted to work with children and expand more my creative and artistic side. Thus, I worked as a creative dance and movement teacher, as a storyteller in educational programmes for school and children at the House of Folktales, as a children’s book editor for Ikaros Publications.

I now live in the UK where I am the drama teacher in a SEN school, I am teaching Greek to adults and children and I keep telling stories in the UK and Greece.”