The Yogapushpanjali 2025 Team
Dr Rajlaxmi Nidmarti
Dr. Rajlaxmi Nidmarti has a doctorate in ayurvedic medicine, with a practice in gynaecology. She worked as a full-time doctor, when she began taking classes at RIMYI Institute and has trained directly under Guruji, B.K.S. Iyengar. She has been teaching Iyengar yoga full time at the Institute for 22 years. We are thrilled that she is bringing her long experience of working alongside the Iyengar family to Yogapushpanjali.
Sushama Chitale
Sushama has been at RIMYI in Pune for the last 22 years and has taught Beginners, Intermediate, Remedial and Seniors classes. She has worked very closely with both Geeta and Sunita Iyengar and has a wealth of experience to share with us. We are thrilled that she will be bringing this experience to the weekend workshop which last year attracted a wide age range of students, from 21 to 70s!
Mihir Chitale
Mihir is Sushama’s son. He has assisted Abhijata Iyengar at RIMYI and has her blessing to come and teach our youngsters and inspire them with his beautiful practice. He has a Master’s degree in Sports Science and Medicine from Glasgow University and we are excited to bring this combination of sports science and yoga to our younger students.
Annie Beatty
Annie has been teaching Iyengar yoga since 1995. A mother of five, a grandmother of two and a primary school teacher, she is passionate about bringing Iyengar yoga to the younger generation and is a founder member and Chair of Iyengar Yoga (UK)’s Children, Young Adults and Families Committee. She lives in Malvern where she also teaches her yoga classes. Read more about Annie’s yoga journey here.
Sarah Delfas
Sarah is a level 3 Iyengar yoga teacher and has been teaching for over 20 years. Also a founder member of IY(UK)’s Children, Young Adults and Families committee, she is a mother of four and lives and teaches at The Hanuman Yoga Studio in mid Sussex, not far from the location of Yogapushpanjali. She has been working closely with Michael Hall School and members of the local community to organise and make this event happen. Read more about Sarah and her inspiration for Yogapushpanjali here.
Olly Room
Olly was until recently a teacher at Michael Hall Steiner Waldorf School where he taught Wellbeing and Physical Education. With a background and keen interest in Bothmer movement, he will lead the activities programme for children and teenagers while parents enjoy their yoga classes. Read more about Olly and what he will be offering here.
Annabelle Davis
Annabelle will be running evening craft sessions for children. A skilled seamstress, crocheter and textile artist she can turn her hand to most crafts and has held many creative workshops for adults and children. A graduate of Michael Hall School, which lays down a fantastic foundation in crafts, she also happens to be a dedicated Iyengar yoga student with a daily practice. Find out more about Annabelle’s passion for creativity here.
Maria Zourari
Maria is a storyteller and will be bringing to life tales from the Ramayana and other Indian myths with a spotlight on Hanuman, Ramayana hero and the ultimate yogi. These tales that form a backdrop to our yoga and have relevance to our yoga philosophy and our own journey through life. This year she will be joined by Sarra Whicheloe, Iyengar yoga teacher and Indian classical dancer, to produce inspiring and heartwarming experiences each evening of the camp. Read about Maria’s life experience here.
Sarra Whicheloe
Sarra is a Bharatanatyam dancer. At 23 years old, pre-Internet, she travelled to South India to learn classical Indian dance. Over a period of 10 years Sarra studied with Professor C V Chandrashekar in Chennai and other teachers from the Kalakshetra College of Fine Art. The rest of the time back in London she gave performances and ran Community Dance Projects. A dance drama style Bharatanatyam is an expressive language of hand gestures, facial expressions and rhythmical footwork. Now based in Surrey Sarra teaches Iyengar Yoga, Adult Indian dance workshops and enjoys playing for Kirtan. YouTube @sarradance
Julie Withers
Julie Withers took on the tremendous and unexplored task of feeding Yogapushpanjali campers at the first camp and delighted everyone with her tasty and nourishing meals. She loved it so much she has offered to come back and do it all again a third time. Read what Julie has to say here.